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After much deliberation, the administrator ended up getting an Adobe package so that top of the line tools could be used for the design aspects of the free music site. This initial design helped to aid in trouble shooting and worked as a simple way to integrate what was to come in the future. Once the foundation for the programing language was laid, the first step was to create a new temporary design for the front side of the music site in order to accommodate more independent artists being able to contribute their free songs. Nevertheless, through perseverance and the mercy of the Lord, the new language was learned after about a year and so more free songs were soon to follow. The Godly Christian Music administrator frequently had to stop the process of learning again and again on account of several life trials. One major difficulty was simply getting the time to learn the new programing language. There were many obstacles to overcome in this process of updating this free song download website. Back in late 2006 the site administrator started to learn a new programing language with the hopes of being able to use it to turn Godly Christian Music into a dynamic data base driven site. Originally, this free music site was simply a couple static pages created with Microsoft® Word® for people to download a few artists' songs. Godly Christian Music has come a long way over the last couple years.