For example, lr-snes9x2010 is the libretro core of the SNES emulator called snes9x2010. In RetroPie, the libretro emulator cores are identified with a lr- in front of their name. With a few simple changes to the emulator source code, almost any existing emulator could become a libretro core. RetroArch then handles the input (controls) and output (graphics and audio) while the emulator core handles the emulation of the original system. RetroArch and libretro provide a way to take an existing emulator and load that emulator as a library or 'core'. RetroArch is the official front end for the libretro API.
Universal Controller Calibration & Mapping Using xboxdrvĮxample Per-System Control Override retroarch.cfgĬonvert RetroPie SD Card Image to NOOBS Image Validating, Rebuilding, and Filtering Arcade ROMs